Human trafficking is the third biggest area of illegal trade, after drugs and weapons. Some of Cairo’s estimated one million street children are exploited in prostitution; others recruited for domestic and agricultural work. In the world we live in today a form of modern slavery exists. Human beings globally
Human trafficking has long been the most inhuman illegal business that the world has ever seen. And despite public rejection of such business practices, its market is estimated at more than US$36 billion every year. Accordingly, ARTOC supports and works closely with the Suzanne Mubarak International Women’s Peace Movement’s End Human Trafficking initiative. ARTOC is represented on the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Business Advisory Council and provides support to events creating awareness of human trafficking.   ARTOC has also worked with UN organizations to support constructive work and initiatives pertaining to human trafficking and rehabilitation of child soldiers. ARTOC is also working on a number of potential private – public initiatives with law enforcement agencies and Interpol and aspires to have a global help line that can be of assistance to victims of trafficking. Additionally, ARTOC is supporting and establishing shelters for trafficked individuals to help in their rehabilitation and reintegration in everyday life.


face physical and sexual abuse, forced labor, threats, restrictions on movement, and non-payment of wages. Human trafficking is a US$36 billion global illicit business that is growing without adequate international awareness and appropriate means of combating violation of human rights.